Document Scanning Services

Document Scanning Services Done Right? Here's how.
There is a monumental shift in both business and human civilization happening right now. And you are not only a witness to it; you're part of it! In the past, "writing" meant putting words or symbols onto a physical object. Now all of that's changing in the digital age. There is no longer physical evidence of many written words. They exist in cyberspace until we choose to hit the "print" key.
This revolution has many components, but let's talk about the ones pertinent to our conversation today, that is, the processes used to move information – printed pages, images, books, paper forms, and voluminous paper files – to the digital universe.
Converting documents to a digital format is Document Scanning, the process of creating and compiling information that can be organized, stored, and shared without using paper. Digital document software allows you to convert paper documents into digital documents.
Document digitization is vital for an enterprise that wants to reduce its costs and increase its productivity. The world of business is moving to complete digitization, as is the world in general. Converting, storing, and maintaining documents is a challenging task. If you're just beginning to move to digital, you understand what a daunting project this can be.
Document Scanning Services Done Right? Why not trust your document digitization to a professional? A proven track record has processed hundreds of thousands of documents for hundreds of clients. A Business Process Outsourcing giant that consistently sets the gold standard in ALL business processing fields.
Rely Services has over 20 years in the document handling business and is a leader in digitization. We offer seamless, accurate, and secure transformation from paper to digital at a price point that cannot be beaten.
And remember- not all BPOs are created equal. Please consult Rely Services, and we will demonstrate the advantages of our services. There's a reason that, again and again, we end up with the awards for service AND the most prestigious clients.
Perhaps you think your company is too small to use the resources of Rely Services. Our response is: "No Job Too Big Or Too Small"! We handle single site local businesses and international conglomerates. We're the trusted partner of clients in every industry, on every continent, and with our global reach, we're always available and ready to meet your demands.
This transformation's advantages are many – search and retrieval, space-saving, equipment savings, workforce savings – it's quite a list!
- Digitization of Paper Documents
- Digitization of Oversized Documents
- Digitization of Books
- Digitization of Newspapers of Magazines
- Digitization of Engineering Manuals
- Digitization of Aperture Cards
- Digitization of Insurance Forms
- Digitization of Patient Records
- Digitization Travel Documents
- Digitization of Bills submitted by employees
And many, many, more.
To make that transfer happen requires some specialized software and hardware, large flatbed scanners, book scanners, image scanners, and of course, OCR – Optical Character Recognition.
There are two different types of software used to convert words on a page into digital documents.
OCR - Optical Character Recognition
An image file is converted into a text file by processing it with OCR software in this method.
ICR – Intelligent Character Recognition
ICR reads and analyzes hand-written documents and converts the scanned documents into text format. This type of software continually learns from the inputs to produce a better output.
By now, you might be seeing dollars flying out the window to buy this equipment and hire trained staff to operate it, but hold on a second.
Services like this are at the core of what outsourcing can do for your firm and a fraction of the cost. Document Scanning Services and Document Scanning Outsourcing can do this kind of work quicker, more efficiently, and with huge savings!
What kind Of Scanning Expertise Does Rely Services Offer?
These are some of the reasons that the big players in business Outsource Document Scanning.
Large format blueprints usually have very detailed information as well as the overall floorplan. This requires specialized scanners and software. Besides sharing the scanned blueprints via electronic means, staff can search for different blueprints from an index, saving time and money. When scanning blueprints, quality, accuracy, and consistency are necessary for your business to function. Blueprint scanning allows you to access and distribute files for off-site review and collaboration efficiently.
Way, way back in the middle of the last Century, aperture cards were state of the art for storing and retrieving records and other information. An Aperture Card consists of a punch card- like cardboard with a negative embedded in it. The negative in the "aperture" contained the data, and there were notches in the card so that a mechanical sorter could store and retrieve them. Aperture Cards are a unique challenge for scanning, and Rely Services has the tech and staff to do it right the first time.
Document scanning services involve the use of scanners for converting paper documents into digital images. Again, like blueprints, documents come in all sizes and shapes, so it's essential to have the right equipment to do the job. And even with an automated process, there is human oversight to assure accuracy and completeness.
Now we're talking about massive jobs, thousands of documents of all sizes and formats, scanned and saved to one or more digital formats and indexed for easy retrieval. Our bulk document scanning services can handle paper files and different printed materials, medical records, blueprints, photographs, microfilm, and microfiche.
The data revolution has accelerated the use of EMR (Electronic Medical Records). All information related to the patient: chart information, medical and surgical history, insurance claims, account information, diagnosis, doctor's notes, X-ray and MRI data needs to be compiled and recorded. Our experienced staff practices only HIPPA compliant procedures, and we use only the best in security techniques. If you need to digitize medical records, our high-speed sheet-fed scanners, x-ray scanners, photo scanners, film scanners, and flatbed scanners will get the job done.
Document digitization is vital for an enterprise that wants to reduce its costs and increase its productivity. Converting, storing, and maintaining documents is a challenging task. If you're just beginning to move to digital, you understand what a daunting operation this can be. Why not trust your document digitization to a professional? We have processed thousands of documents for hundreds of clients. We can convert your paper documents into an electronic format through paper scanning, large format scanning, photo scanning, and, when necessary, manual entry.
Image Scanning and Digitization Services is all about preservation. In theory, valuable things are worth preserving. And the art of conservation has evolved over the years until, in the 21st-century computer software, and scanners can do amazing things. But the best Image Scanning Services go beyond using state of the art equipment. Whether a photograph, film, negative, transparency, drawing, painting, or sketch, Rely Services can faithfully move that image to a digital file.
Having instant access to all your digital form information will help you little if you can't find it! Many people forget that getting it to digital isn't the entire process. Indexing that information so it can be quickly and accurately retrieved completes the circle. Our service includes digitization, archiving, indexing, and imaging, ensuring that the information will be stored safely and retrieved easily.
We use special scanners and proven methods to ensure that pristine color quality and grayscale images are not compromised. Our book scanning services involve sheet-fed scanners, overhead planetary scanners, robotic book scanners, and book-edge scanners.
Document Scanning Services! This is What You Want. Now, How to Get it?
It takes a team of qualified, skilled, and experienced professionals to work on a successful project. This is precisely what Rely Services can offer you. And at a fee that will significantly lower your overhead and allow your key players to concentrate on making money.
Our global reach can result in head-snapping speed for your project. Send us an assignment at the end of your business day, and it will be waiting, completed, and QA'd when you return in the morning. Input, processing, compilation, indexing, storage, and retrieval, our speed will astound you.
Our security systems set the standard for our sector. We've never had a successful targeted or random data breach; we've never lost any data due to a network, system, or server failure. Also, multiple redundancies make our systems bulletproof.
When you partner with us, you're collaborating with a highly trained team of professionals with proven industry experience and a shelf full of industry awards. Our teams can save you capital, so you can invest it in expanding your enterprise. And we routinely save our clients 40% or more.
Rely Services uses the most advanced software available. We can seamlessly interface with whatever software you're currently using. Our hardware is always top of the line, and our tech crew often make proprietary modifications. Our team's certifications are still up to date, and we pride ourselves on innovation and adaptability for our clients.
We have stringent quality control and even a dedicated team of inspectors to make sure our work for you is accurate and complete. Third party examiners have measured our error rate at less than 0.01%
This is a significant point. If you can get the job done faster, more accurately, and for 40% less money, well, wouldn't you?
Document Scanning! You Deserve the Best! Why Not Get the Best?
From Rely Services.
Using Rely Services as your partner will save you more than time and money. Since they are continually refining their business methods, their constant pursuit of perfection will benefit your operational practices. Contact Rely Services today for a detailed evaluation of the many ways we can make you more successful.