How to Better Connect with Clients and Team in COVID-19

By: Michael Tetrick Dec 15, 2020

Right now, we find ourselves in uncharted territory for business. Amid the global pandemic, corporations are struggling to connect with clients and team members during COVID-19.

However, connecting with clients and team members is still essential for businesses to survive. The main ways in which you can better connect with clients and team members during COVID-19 are:

  • Set Attainable Goals
  • Track Progress
  • Identify Issues
  • Encourage Employee Involvement
  • Create A Healthy Work Culture
  • Set Work-From-Home Standards

These are just some ways that companies can better connect with clients and team members during this unprecedented time, and we will explain how to do each in further detail below.

Setting Attainable Goals

Setting attainable goals is one of the most crucial aspects of better connecting with clients and team members during COVID-19. For clients, it is imperative to set goals that your team can realistically achieve. If you overpromise, you are practically guaranteeing disappointment.

Therefore, companies must intensely evaluate and assess both their business'capabilities and their clients'needs to set ambitious and achievable goals. With concrete, attainable, and measurable goals, clients will be excited to see your work come to life.

Setting attainable goals is also a great way to better connect with team members during COVID-19. If you set goals for your staff that seem too lofty or impossible, your team may not be able to achieve them. If you set goals that are too easily achievable, your team members may put forth minimal effort with unsatisfactory results.

Whether you are setting goals for clients, team members, or both, analyzing your abilities is critical. When you fully understand what your business is capable of, you can foster a satisfactory relationship with both clients and team members by always meeting the goals you set.

Tracking Progress& Identifying Issues

Once your goals are set, you must track your progress to ensure that these goals will be achieved in a timely fashion. Tracking your progress is beneficial for both BPO clients and team members.

When you keep a close eye on your progress, you can identify issues before they become crises and stay on track. COVID-19 has brought about some unprecedented changes in how employees work, especially since leadership is not nearby.

Before the pandemic, teams could work together in one office space, which allowed employees to work together and leaders to efficiently oversee operations. Working remotely, especially in the BPO industry, makes it much more challenging to focus, track progress, and connect with clients and team members during COVID-19.

However, companies can still successfully track team members' progress virtually. With several software programs and remote monitoring tools to choose from, team members are motivated and encouraged to accomplish their tasks quickly and efficiently.

Listed below are some of the most common tools companies use to track employee progress that businesses should take advantage of during this time:

  • TimeDoctor
  • Roadmap
  • Tick
  • Timely
  • HiveDesk
  • TSheets
  • Google Forms

These are just some of the remote monitoring tools that companies can use to better connect with clients and team members during COVID-19. Employees will feel motivated to accomplish more with their work being tracked, and you can also report to clients on how the work is going to assure them that everything is running smoothly.

How to Better Connect with Clients and Teamin COVID-19

Creating A Healthy Work Culture

Every company should foster a work culture of positivity andproductivity. Healthy work culture is an incredible motivational tool for employees. When employees feel passionate about the organization that they work for, they will truly want to work harder and achieve more.

Work culture is all about the employee's perceived environment. This can be challenging to create virtually, but it is possible. Listed below are some of the key ways to create a healthy work culture:

  • Manifest Mutual Respect Between Team Members & Leaders - Mutual respect is vital to foster a healthy work culture. With mutual respect established between all team members, workers will be comfortable asking questions, motivated to do their best, and eager to help the business succeed.
  • Support Professional & Personal Development - Organizations should support the personal and professional development of all employees. When your team members know that the business wants to see them succeed in all aspects of life, they will feel passionate about doing their best work.
  • Encourage A Healthy Work-Life Balance - Encouraging a healthy work-life balance for all employees is essential for productivity, motivation, and dedication. When employees feel like their company cares about their wellbeing, they will be passionate about bringing success to the business.

These are just a few of the main ways to create a healthy work culture. With a strong work culture, businesses can better connect with clients and team members during COVID-19.

Encouraging Employee Involvement

Like work culture, employee involvement is fundamental for every business's success. Employees who feel encouraged and genuinely want to get more involved with the company they work for will considerably improve their work performance.

Encouraging employee involvement allows companies to better connect with clients and team members during COVID-19. The main two recommendations for businesses to promote employee involvement during this unprecedented time include:

  • Create Opportunities for Remote Social Interaction - A healthy work-life balance significantly impacts motivation and productivity. Businesses should encourage their employees to interact with events that allow them to connect on a deeper level and create a virtual sense of companionship.
  • Offer Professional& Emotional Support - Working remotely has not been an easy transition for everyone. Therefore, companies should offer both professional and emotional support to ensure that all team members are doing okay and can complete their work to their full potential during this time.

Setting Work-From-Home Standards

The recent shift to working from home has affected almost every industry. Companies must connect with clients and team members easily, quickly, and efficiently without occupying the same office space.

Studies have shown that setting work-from-home standards help employees improve productivity, focus, and quality of work. With concrete measures in place, team members know precisely what is expected of them and how to navigate their remote work environment. Here are some of the recommended work-from-home standards:

  • Conduct Check-Ins Frequently - Checking in with your team members is one of the simplest ways to ensure that employees can accomplish their work from home. With a check-in from a supervisor or manager, employees can ask questions, get help, and share their progress.
  • Make Sure Team Members Have A Dedicated Workspace - Creating a productive work environment at home is significant for team members to do their best. Be sure to give employees the resources and tools to create their dedicated workstations where distractions are limited.
  • Provide Several Communication Options - Communication has proved to be one of the biggest challenges for organizations at this time. To better connect with team members during COVID-19, companies should offer several communication options suited to meet the team's different needs.

How to Better Connect with Clients and Teamin COVID-19

About Us - Rely Services

Rely Services is one of the leading BPO companies globally. For over 20 years, Rely Services has offered exceptional services, swift results, and successful business solutions to help businesses grow and succeed.

Do you want to learn more about how to better connect with clients and team members during COVID-19? Please Contact Us Here for more information.

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