Accounts Payable Outsourcing vs. AP Automation: Which one to Choose?

By: Vamseedhar Nidiganti Jul 25, 2024

What you can read in this blog?

  1. Benefits of AP Automation for Small Businesses
  2. Advantages of AP Outsourcing for Finance Managers
  3. Real-Life Examples and Success Stories
  4. Tools to Help in AP Automation

1. Introduction

Efficient financial management is crucial for success. The Accounts Payable (AP) process is a crucial function that handles a company's expenses and cash flow.

Businesses are looking for ways to be more efficient and cost-effective. Two main solutions are AP automation and outsourcing accounts payable. But which option is right for your organization?

Overview of Accounts Payable (AP)

Accounts Payable is more than just paying bills. A complex process that involves receiving invoices, verifying their accuracy, approving payments, and ensuring timely disbursement of funds. An efficient AP process is vital for maintaining healthy supplier relationships, optimizing cash flow, and ensuring financial accuracy.

According to a report by Ardent Partners, best-in-class AP departments process invoices 5.6 times faster than their peers, with an average cost per invoice of $2.74 compared to $15.02 for laggards. This highlights the importance of streamlining AP processes for operational efficiency and cost savings.

2. AP Automation vs. AP Outsourcing

As businesses seek to optimize their AP processes, two main approaches have gained prominence: AP automation and accounts payable outsourcing. Let's explore what each entails and how they differ.

Definition and Scope

AP Automation involves implementing software solutions that streamline and digitize the accounts payable process. These automated accounts payable systems use technologies like optical character recognition (OCR), artificial intelligence, and machine learning to capture invoice data, route approvals, and process payments with minimal human intervention.

On the other hand, accounts payable outsourcing involves delegating the AP function to a third-party service provider. This external partner takes on tasks such as invoice processing, payment execution, and vendor management, allowing the business to focus on core activities.

The key difference lies in who manages the process: with AP automation, the company retains control but uses technology to improve efficiency, while outsourcing transfers the operational responsibility to an external expert.

3. Benefits of AP Automation for Small Businesses

For small businesses looking to streamline their financial processes, AP automation offers several compelling advantages.

Efficiency and Accuracy

AP automation solutions significantly reduce manual errors and streamline processes. A study by Level Research found that organizations using AP automation software reported a 75% reduction in invoice processing time compared to manual methods.

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Automated systems can process invoices faster, with some solutions capable of handling invoices in as little as 2-3 days compared to the average of 8.6 days for manual processing. This speed not only improves efficiency but also allows businesses to take advantage of early payment discounts.

Cost Savings

By reducing manual labor, AP automation leads to lower operational costs. The Institute of Finance and Management (IOFM) reports that fully automated AP departments spend $1.77 to process a single invoice, compared to $15.02 for departments with little or no automation.

Moreover, improved cash flow management through better visibility and control over payables can lead to significant financial benefits. Businesses can optimize payment timing, take advantage of discounts, and avoid late payment penalties.


One of the key advantages of AP automation software is its scalability. As your business grows, the system can easily handle increased invoice volumes without a proportional increase in costs or staff. This scalability ensures that your AP process remains efficient even as your business expands.

Integration with existing financial systems is another crucial benefit. Most AP automation solutions can seamlessly connect with popular accounting software and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, ensuring a smooth flow of financial data across your organization.

4. Advantages of AP Outsourcing for Finance Managers

While AP automation offers numerous benefits, accounts payable outsourcing presents a compelling alternative, especially for finance managers looking to transform their AP function.

Focus on Core Business

By delegating routine AP tasks to a specialized service provider, finance managers can focus on strategic activities that drive business growth. A survey by Deloitte found that 59% of businesses outsource to focus on core business functions.

Outsourcing reduces the burden of routine administrative tasks, allowing finance teams to allocate more time and resources to value-added activities such as financial planning, analysis, and strategic decision-making.

Expertise and Compliance

AP outsourcing providers bring specialized knowledge and skills to the table. They stay up-to-date with the latest AP best practices, technologies, and regulatory requirements. This expertise can be particularly valuable for businesses operating in multiple jurisdictions or dealing with complex regulatory landscapes.

Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements is a critical aspect of AP management. Outsourcing partners typically have robust processes and controls in place to ensure compliance with various financial regulations, reducing the risk of errors and penalties.


For many organizations, AP outsourcing can be more cost-effective than maintaining an in-house team. By leveraging economies of scale, outsourcing providers can often deliver AP services at a lower cost per transaction.

A study by Everest Group found that organizations can achieve cost savings of 40-60% through AP outsourcing. Additionally, outsourcing offers flexibility in managing staffing needs, allowing businesses to scale their AP function up or down based on demand without the challenges of hiring or laying off staff.

5. Considerations for Choosing Between AP Automation and AP Outsourcing

Deciding between AP automation and accounts payable outsourcing requires careful consideration of several factors:

Business Size and Needs

The suitability of each approach often depends on the company's size and transaction volume. Small to medium-sized businesses with straightforward AP processes might find AP automation software more suitable, while larger organizations with complex AP requirements might benefit more from outsourcing.

Budget Constraints

Consider both the initial costs and long-term financial implications. AP automation typically requires an upfront investment in software and implementation, with ongoing subscription fees. Outsourcing, on the other hand, usually involves a recurring service fee based on transaction volume or a fixed monthly cost.

Technology Infrastructure

Assess your existing IT infrastructure and readiness for automation. AP automation requires a certain level of technological sophistication and may necessitate integration with other financial systems. If your organization lacks the necessary IT resources or expertise, outsourcing might be a more viable option.

Control and Oversight

Consider the level of control and oversight you desire over the AP process. With AP automation, you retain full control over the process, while outsourcing involves delegating operational control to a third party. Your comfort level with this delegation should factor into your decision.

6. Real-Life Examples and Success Stories

To illustrate the potential benefits of both approaches, let's look at two real-life examples:

Case Study: Small Business Benefits from AP Automation

A growing e-commerce company with 50 employees implemented an AP automation solution to handle their increasing invoice volume. Within six months, they reduced their invoice processing time from 14 days to 3 days and cut processing costs by 60%. The finance team reported spending 75% less time on manual data entry, allowing them to focus on more strategic tasks.

Case Study: Large Corporation Thrives with AP Outsourcing

A multinational manufacturing company with operations in 15 countries decided to outsource its AP function. By centralizing AP operations with a single outsourcing provider, they achieved a 45% reduction in processing costs, improved on-time payments from 75% to 98%, and reduced their AP headcount by 70%. The finance team was able to redirect their efforts towards financial planning and analysis, contributing to a 15% improvement in working capital management.

7. Tools to Help in AP Automation

For businesses considering AP automation, several popular tools are available in the market:

1. Offers comprehensive AP automation with features like invoice capture, approval workflows, and payment execution.

2. AvidXchange: Specializes in AP and payment automation for mid-market companies, with strong integration capabilities.

3. Tipalti: Provides end-to-end AP automation with a focus on global payment capabilities and tax compliance.

8. Key Takeaways for Implementing AP Solutions

Let's recap the main points:

Summary of Benefits

Both AP automation and outsourcing offer significant advantages:

  1. Improved efficiency and accuracy

  2. Cost savings

  3. Access to expertise and best practices

  4. Scalability and flexibility

Decision-Making Tips

When choosing between AP automation and outsourcing, consider:

  1. Your business size and complexity

  2. Budget and resource availability

  3. Desired level of control

  4. Long-term scalability needs

Next Steps

To optimize your AP processes:

1. Evaluate your current AP workflow and identify pain points

2. Assess your business needs and growth projections

3. Research AP automation solutions and outsourcing providers

4. Consider a trial or consultation with service providers


Optimizing accounts payable processes is no longer optional—it's a necessity. Businesses can improve efficiency, cut costs, and enhance financial management by using AP automation software or outsourcing accounts payable.

Take the first step towards transforming your AP function today. Evaluate your current processes and research available options. Consider reaching out to AP solution providers or outsourcing partners for guidance. Your future of streamlined, efficient accounts payable management awaits!

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